Мы то, что мы смотрим во время едыВыбираю ли я, кем быть, когда просматриваемые видео и поедаемые блюда лишь мелькают в череде будней, как катафоты на железных отбойниках…Jan 4Jan 4
All I needed were two interfaces!I recently encountered a perfect example of the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) during the implementation of a task. Interestingly, I…Oct 3, 2023Oct 3, 2023
The Hidden Pitfalls of Lombok’s @UtilityClass AnnotationYesterday, I encountered a perplexing issue — all static imports in one of my modules seemed to be broken from the builder’s perspective…May 25, 2023May 25, 2023
Exception handling in Java apps for AWS Lambda with retry mechanismLast week I had a task about injecting a retry mechanism in some apps that were executed as AWS Lambdas. These lambdas are triggered by…Jan 24, 2023Jan 24, 2023
Refactor Helper/Utils ClassesIf I want to create a class with a list of consts and static methods, how should I name it — Utils or Helper? Don’t create it at all!Aug 27, 2022Aug 27, 2022
GoF Design Patterns For ApexNotes about the book “Apex Design Patterns” by Jitendra Zaa and Anshul Verma.Aug 16, 2022Aug 16, 2022
Apex Language short definitionApex is a strongly-typed object-oriented domain-specific programming language. Core idea of the language is…Aug 15, 2022Aug 15, 2022
Breeks — построй свою неделюBreeks — приложение для трекинга привычек и планирования. А это уже что-то новенькое! Удивили!Dec 18, 20203Dec 18, 20203